Young Love & Other Stories I Anne Di Lauro

 May 27, 2022

In Félix Calvino’s Young Love we meet Manuel as an old man, and then have the pleasure of recognising him again in the story that follows, as a boy in love. In other stories we meet other young people, each with their poignant love story to tell. We are transported to another time and place, to a Galician village, perhaps about 50 years ago. We accompany the characters in their daily tasks and routines and dance with them at weddings and festivals. The sense of place is vividly conveyed. We are there in the school room, in the family kitchen, at gatherings where the young learn about life and love from village hearsay, while trying to understand their dawning feelings of love. The stories are wrapped in a poignant sense of potential tragedy that is never spelled out: an atmosphere that is a hallmark of all of Félix Calvino’s stories. This, as well as the simplicity and quiet wit with which the stories are told, makes his writing stand out as unusual and refreshing.

 Anne Di Lauro